Thursday, April 26, 2012

Wonderful days in Norway

This week we have our third mobility in the Comenius prosject. The destination was Vågå and surrounding areas, and the contestants have experienced some great days together. Read more about it and see pictures here.

Tuesday - at mountain museum
This day we experienced out of school teaching with 2nd grade at Vågåmo school. The topic was stone age, and both the pupil's and the participants in the Comenius project had a great day.

Norbert and other participants is trying the bow and arrow.

Gertraud is trying to make fire as they did in the stone age.

The pupil's are making meat as they did in the stone age. Also the adult's got a taste.

The pupil's are making things out of leather. As they did in the stone age.

Teachers and social workers from both Germany and Norway is wathing a competition among the pupil's and finds the change to chat about methods and other things.

(All photos: Hanne Blåfjelldal)

Wednesday - at fairytale glacier

This day the group went on a trip to fairytale glacier with 5th and 6th grade on Lalm. The trip was a part of the teaching concept "the reindeer as a teaching master" developed by Frode and different partners. The Climate Park was in charge of the trip to the Fairytale glacier.

Ready to take off from Spiterstulen. The pupil's with skies. And the adult's with snow shoes.

On our way up to the glacier. It is a hard walk to get to the glacier.

Gertraud and Olav takes a break on the way up to the glacier

On the hike up to the glacier

Ready for the glacier

On the glacier

(All photos: Nataliya Holovan)
Thursday - at Vågåmo school

On thursday the group experienced methods at Vågåmo school.

Pictures will come..

Monday, April 23, 2012

Third mobility in Norway this week

Today the delegation from Bad Tölz will come to Nrway. here you can see the program for the visit.

-         Out of school methods in practice
-         Two working sessions

Monday April, 23rd:

1744: Arrival in Otta

2000: Arrival and dinner at Spiterstulen

Tuesday April, 24th:

8:00 AM: Departure from Spiterstulen

8:30-1300: Program at Mountain Museum
(You have to bring your own lunch pack from Spiterstulen)

The day will be spent at Mountain Museum with the pupil’s from 2nd grade at Vågåmo school and Sjårdalen school. Topic is stone age.

1400: Meeting and working session at Mountain Museum

(about)1900: Dinner at Spiterstulen with Frode and his pupil’s who will spend the night at Spiterstulen.

Wednesday 25th

0930-1700: Trip to the ”fairytale glacier” with 5th and 6th grade at Lalm school. The program is in co-operation with Climate Park.

17: Dinner at Spiterstulen

Afternoon: You will go to Valbjør farm to stay the two next nights there.

Thursday 26th

Program at Vågåmo school

0815: Morning meeting with the whole school
0845: Presentation of the school and guided tour
0930: Human science with Anders’ class. He will show us the method on the method card we sent you (attached).  
1030-1130: Lunch break
1130-13: Spending time in Nina’s class. The topic is stone age and this is a normal lesson.

14-16: Working session

Afternoon: Good bye-party at Bokhandelen Kafe. The staff from our three schools are all invited.

Friday 26th

0500: Leaving from Valbjør farm

0545: Train leaves from Otta station